IV Therapy

In recent times, both practitioners of integrative medicine and patients are recognizing the benefits of IV therapy to help them with a wide range of medical issues. Myers’ Cocktail IV therapy is one such option that delivers a mix of vital vitamins and other nutrients to make up for deficiencies patients may have. The restorative serum is administered directly into the patient’s bloodstream by way of IV.
Myers’ Cocktail Offers a Mix of Vitamins
Myers’ Cocktail was first developed by John Myers MD, a physician practicing out of Baltimore. He helped patients by giving them a 10mL injection that contained a blend of vitamins and essential nutrients. Depending on the kind of medical problem, patients received the injection once or twice a week, or once a month. Here are the principle components which are proven to be safe.
Immunity Cocktail Offers a Wonderful Mix of Vitamins
Boost your defense with Antiviral Drip in the Philippines, a powerful IV therapy designed to fortify your immune system. This specialized immunity drip is infused with high dose Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Zinc that helps treat acute viral and bacterial infections, boosts immune function, and reduces symptoms of fatigue and chronic illness. It also plays an important role in wound healing, immunotherapy, heart health, and the reduction of oxidative stress loads.
Vitamins, minerals, Perfect for reliving pain or anxiety
Price $204
Boost of antioxidants, vitamin C & lysine formulated to help fight off illness.
Price $179
Myers Cocktail
The Myers Cocktail is a classic nutrient rich formula great for maintaining health.
Price $166
Myers/Immunity Cocktail
nutrient rich formula great for maintaining health with an extra boost of
antioxidants, vitamin C & lysine formulated to help fight off illness.
Price $247